Ghostwriting Tips

How Much Does A Ghostwriter Charge To Write A Book | My Research

How Much Does A Ghostwriter Charge To Write A Book

So, you’ve got a killer idea for a book. You can see the potential – it’s bursting with possibilities – but here’s the catch: putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) feels like climbing Everest without a guide. That’s where the magic of hiring a ghostwriter comes in. But before you dive headfirst into this world, there’s a pretty big question on your mind: How much does a ghostwriter charge to write a book?

You’re not alone in asking that, and trust me, it’s a valid concern. Hiring a ghostwriter can be an expensive venture, and the numbers floating around are all over the place. Maybe you’ve done a little research and are either shocked or unsure if those prices are legit. You’re wondering whether it’s worth the investment, and I’m here to help you figure it out. In this blog, I’ll share my research on the costs, what you’re paying for, and how to avoid a financial blindside when hiring a ghostwriter.

Let’s get into it and figure out what goes into hiring a ghostwriter, why the costs vary, and – most importantly – how you can make sure your money is well spent.

What Determines Ghostwriting Costs?

The first thing you should know is that ghostwriting fees aren’t set in stone. It’s not like going to a diner where there’s a menu with exact prices. It’s more like hiring a contractor to renovate your house – it depends on what you need and who you hire. Here are the key factors that can either make you shout “That’s it?” or “How much?!”

1. Experience: You Get What You Pay For

I’ll be blunt: experience is everything. The ghostwriting world is kind of like the Wild West. You have your grizzled old-timers who’ve ghostwritten for CEOs, celebrities, and thought leaders, and then you have newer folks who are just starting out. Naturally, you’re going to pay a premium for those who have a proven track record of turning ideas into bestsellers.

  • Beginner Ghostwriters: If you’re cool with hiring someone who’s fairly new, you can expect to pay anywhere between $5,000 to $15,000 for a book. Not too shabby if your project is straightforward and you’re not aiming for a Pulitzer.
  • Mid-Level Ghostwriters: This is where things start getting a little pricier. If you’re looking for a ghostwriter with a few solid books under their belt, you’re looking at $20,000 to $50,000.
  • Top-Tier Ghostwriters: Want a ghostwriter who’s been behind a big-name memoir or a bestselling novel? Expect to fork over $50,000 to $100,000 (and possibly even more). These folks aren’t just writing; they’re crafting potential bestsellers with all the bells and whistles.

Here’s a quick reality check: the more you’re paying, the more expertise and insight you’re buying. Ghostwriters at the top of their game don’t just type away – they know what makes a book sell, and they’ll bring that knowledge to your project.

2. Book Length and Complexity: More Pages, More Problems (and Costs)

If you thought size didn’t matter, well, surprise! It absolutely does when it comes to ghostwriting costs. The longer the book, the more hours of work are required. Plus, if you’re writing about astrophysics or medieval pottery techniques, the ghostwriter is going to charge more for the mental gymnastics they’ll need to perform.

  • Shorter Books (30,000 to 50,000 words): A more compact read (like a short memoir or a how-to guide) can run you $10,000 to $25,000.
  • Longer Books (50,000 to 100,000 words): As the word count climbs, so does the price – expect $25,000 to $60,000, depending on the complexity of the subject matter.
  • Complex or Technical Books: If your book is on a super technical subject or requires extensive research, interviews, or data collection, you’re going to pay an additional 20% to 50%. It’s kind of like ordering extra toppings on a pizza – each extra task adds to the final tab.

3. Turnaround Time: Need it Fast? Be Prepared to Pay More

If you’re one of those people who likes to get things done yesterday, a ghostwriter can accommodate your tight schedule – for a price. Normally, writing a book can take 6-12 months, but if you need it faster, you’ll need to pay more for the rush.

  • Normal Turnaround (6-12 months): The standard price applies.
  • Rushed Projects (3-6 months): Add an extra 20% to 30%.
  • Urgent Projects (under 3 months): Brace yourself – this can cost an extra 50% or more. The writer is essentially rearranging their entire life for you.

4. The Ghostwriter’s Role: Do You Want a Writer or a Full-on Book Genie?

Ghostwriters can either simply write your book or do everything from research to editing and marketing advice. If you need more than just words on paper, be ready to shell out some extra cash.

  • Writing Only: If you already have all the research, notes, and a solid outline, you’ll pay less. This is a more basic service.
  • Research, Interviews, and Collaboration: If you want the ghostwriter to get deeply involved – maybe interviewing you or conducting research – add another 10% to 30%.
  • Full Service (From Concept to Publication): Some ghostwriters do it all – they’ll take you from your book’s concept to a completed manuscript, ready for publication. You’ll pay upwards of $50,000 to $100,000 for this kind of service. It’s like ordering the deluxe package at a car wash – every detail is taken care of.

Different Cost Structures: How Ghostwriters Charge

Ghostwriters typically charge in three ways: flat fee, per word, or hourly. Let me give you a rundown so you know what to expect when the invoice comes.

1. Flat Fee: Predictable and Easy

A flat fee is like paying a set amount upfront, so you know exactly how much you’ll spend. This is by far the most common pricing structure for book-length projects.

  • Non-Fiction Books: A flat fee usually ranges from $20,000 to $80,000, depending on the length and complexity.
  • Memoirs: If you’re writing a memoir, expect $15,000 to $50,000.

2. Per Word: Ideal for Shorter Projects

If you’re working on a smaller book or you’re not sure about the final word count, paying per word can make sense. But, fair warning: this pricing can make costs unpredictable if the project balloons in size.

  • Rate per Word: $0.25 to $2.00, depending on the ghostwriter’s experience.

3. Hourly Rate: Watch the Clock

While rare, some ghostwriters charge by the hour. Be cautious – if your project drags on longer than expected, you might be hit with a larger-than-anticipated bill.

  • Hourly Rate: Expect to pay $50 to $200 per hour, depending on the ghostwriter’s experience.

Real-World Examples: The Numbers Don’t Lie

Let’s not just talk in theory. Here are a few real-world examples of ghostwriting projects, to give you a better idea of how much is actually being charged:

  • Non-Fiction Memoir: A 70,000-word memoir cost $45,000, completed in eight months.
  • Technical Book: A tech entrepreneur commissioned a 90,000-word book on blockchain for $65,000, thanks to the need for detailed research.
  • Self-Help Book: A 50,000-word fitness guide ran the author $25,000, including interviews and light research on health trends.
Read More in Detail : How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Ghostwriter?

How to Choose the Right Ghostwriter for Your Book: Key Considerations

Choosing the right ghostwriter is as important as deciding to hire one. You’re not just looking for someone to write a manuscript—you need a professional who understands your vision and can translate it into a book that resonates with your target audience. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a ghostwriter:

1. Check Their Portfolio and Previous Work

An experienced ghostwriter will have a portfolio of previous work. If the ghostwriter specializes in your genre or subject matter, it’s even better. Reviewing their past projects will give you an idea of their writing style, tone, and ability to craft compelling narratives. It’s essential to find someone whose style aligns with your vision for the book.

2. Look for Testimonials or References

Hiring a ghostwriter can be a large financial investment, so you want to ensure you’re working with someone trustworthy and reliable. Look for testimonials from previous clients or ask the ghostwriter for references. A proven track record of delivering quality work on time can give you peace of mind.

3. Assess Their Communication Skills

A successful ghostwriting project relies on clear and ongoing communication. You’ll need to collaborate closely with the ghostwriter to ensure your ideas are effectively translated into the manuscript. Before hiring, assess how well they listen to your ideas, provide feedback, and communicate deadlines.

4. Ensure Compatibility in Working Style

Ghostwriting can be a lengthy and intimate process, requiring trust and synergy between you and the writer. Make sure your working styles are compatible—this includes how they prefer to receive information, their revision process, and how often they’ll provide updates. Setting clear expectations upfront can avoid misunderstandings later in the project.

5. Discuss the Scope of Services

Ghostwriters offer different levels of involvement, from writing the manuscript based on your outline to offering more comprehensive services like conducting interviews, performing research, and even helping with book marketing. Clarifying the scope of services ensures you get exactly what you need and helps prevent any unexpected costs or responsibilities later on.

6. Consider Their Niche Expertise

Some ghostwriters specialize in certain types of books, such as memoirs, business books, or technical non-fiction. If your project requires deep expertise in a specific field, consider hiring a ghostwriter with experience in that area. Niche expertise can be crucial in creating content that is both accurate and authoritative, particularly for non-fiction works.

7. Clarify the Ownership and Credits

Make sure you discuss the ownership and credits before starting the project. Most ghostwriters work on a “work-for-hire” basis, meaning you retain full ownership of the book and the writer remains anonymous. However, some ghostwriters may want to share credit or royalties, so it’s essential to clarify these terms in your contract.

8. Set Clear Budget Expectations

Budget transparency is crucial. Make sure the ghostwriter provides a detailed proposal outlining the total cost of the project, including any revisions, additional research, or consultation services. Understanding what you’re paying for upfront helps to avoid financial surprises and ensures that both parties are aligned on expectations.

Final Thoughts: How Much Should You Budget?

When it comes to ghostwriting, the old saying holds true: “You get what you pay for.” If you’re just starting out and working with a tighter budget, a less experienced ghostwriter might be a good option. But if your goal is to hit the bestseller list, be prepared to invest more in someone with a proven track record.

Here’s a general guide to budgeting:

  • Low Budget (under $10,000): A beginner or part-time ghostwriter may suit your needs for a shorter, less complex book.
  • Mid-Range Budget ($20,000 to $40,000): This will get you a solid, professional ghostwriter for most non-fiction or memoir projects.
  • High-End Budget ($50,000 and up): If you’re looking for an industry pro who’s worked with major publishers, expect to pay this much (or more).

At the end of the day, the question “How much does a ghostwriter charge to write a book?” doesn’t have one simple answer. It’s like asking how much it costs to renovate a house – it depends on the size, complexity, and how fancy you want to get. Do your research, set a budget, and choose wisely. Happy writing!


  1. How much does it cost to hire a ghostwriter for a book?
    • The cost of hiring a ghostwriter for a book typically ranges from $5,000 to over $100,000, depending on factors like the writer’s experience, the length of the book, and the complexity of the subject.
  2. What factors influence ghostwriting prices?
    • Key factors that influence ghostwriting costs include the ghostwriter’s expertise, the length and complexity of the book, research requirements, turnaround time, and the level of service provided.
  3. How do I find a ghostwriter for a book?
    • To find a ghostwriter, you can use ghostwriting agencies, freelancer platforms, or referrals. Be sure to check portfolios, testimonials, and ensure the writer’s style matches your vision.
  4. Is it worth hiring a ghostwriter?
    • Hiring a ghostwriter can be worth it if you want a professionally written book but don’t have the time or writing expertise. A well-crafted book by an experienced ghostwriter can boost your credibility and marketability.
  5. Can ghostwriters help with publishing and marketing?
    • Yes, many ghostwriters offer full-service packages that include help with publishing and even marketing your book, although this will typically increase the cost.