Book Writing

EBook Writing Agency vs. Freelancer – Which One is Better ?

EBook Writing Agency vs. Freelancer

EBooks are a great form of communication that individuals and businesses are adopting more and more nowadays. They work as a great digital marketing strategy. They are great for targeting leads, growing your email list, as well as establishing authority. In addition, eBooks are quite easy to distribute and can even help you make money. 

Although eBooks have a lot to offer, the challenge comes when writing one. Even as an experienced professional, gathering information and creating engaging content is not a walk in the park; it requires information gathering and writing skills. 

But the question is, “Who should you get to write an eBook for you?” Well, you have two options: the first is the eBook writing agency, and the other is hiring a freelance eBook writer. If you do not know which one is better, then this blog is just what you need. We are going to discuss both in detail. 

Think of this blog as your guide to help you find the right service partner to help you get your eBook to a virtual shelf ripe for buying. It will cover everything from understanding eBook projects to the pros and cons of an agency and freelancer. So, without further ado, let’s debate whether an eBook writing agency is better or should go for a freelance service. 

Understanding Your eBook Project Needs:

Before we help you decide on whether to hire a professional organization or outsource eBook writing to a freelancer, there is something you need to do first. That is understanding your eBook project needs first. 

Every eBook has its own needs and requirements. You must understand these requirements before handing it over to your desired service partner. Here are a few things to keep in mind about your eBook:

  1. Budget:

The cost of eBook writing can vary from service to service. Expert services can cost more compared to novice writers. 

Think of the service fee as an investment. The more you invest, the better the eBook quality will turn up. And the better the eBook quality, the more chances for it to sell. So, that means your budget is linked with your eBook success. 

  1. Project Complexity:

As we said earlier, every eBook is different and so is the complexity of the project. Fiction writing will require someone who can paint vivid pictures via words, while an eBook made as a lead magnet will focus on statistics and extensive research about the industry. 

If your project is quite complex, you want someone who takes time to research, but if you want to focus more on a quality story, you require someone with excellent storytelling and writing skills. Understanding your project’s complexity can help you decide which service is better.

  1. Work You Need:

Be it an eBook writing agency or a freelance eBook writer, they can take care of any writing project regardless of where you stand in the writing process, be it the concept generation phase or proofreading and editing. You can consult them for their services anywhere, anytime.

For instance, if you have handled most of the writing for your eBook, you can consider freelance to get the remainder done; however, if you have not even started, you can hire a more qualified professional eBook agency to complete it. 

EBook Writing Agency- Pros and Cons:

Now that you have a better idea of your writing project needs, let’s consider the pits and falls of an eBook writing agency 



A writing agency is a complete team that offers more than just eBook writing. They have writers, editors, and project managers who oversee the whole project, from writing to editing.  Although outsourcing eBook writing to a professional eBook agency can result in a high-quality book, there is a risk of receiving subpar work if you make the wrong decision in choosing an agency. 
A writing agency can have remote, high-quality writers in regions with lower labor costs. This way, you can get quality services at lower prices.  Although they may outsource your work to remote writers, there is a possibility that you will have less control over the eBook creation process. 
With a diverse team of writers, they can work on a range of topics and fields, providing high-quality work that can boost engagement with readers.  An expert eBook writing agency can be expensive as they have more people working on the eBook, and the project requires extensive research time to complete. 

Freelance EBook writers- Pros and Cons:

Now let’s consider freelance eBook writers:



Freelance writers may be cheaper compared to hiring an agency. So, you can hire multiple writers to get your eBook done quickly.  Solo freelancers may not have the same quality compared to an agency due to the lack of manpower an agency offers. 
Freelancers mostly work solo, so you will have far better communication than hiring a complete agency. Freelancers may also not have access to tools, so they may only offer limited services compared to agencies. 
A freelancer, being a one-man team, is more flexible. They can quickly work on revisions and feedback, so you get more adjusted work compared to an agency.   There is also a risk that freelancers commit to tight deadlines and focus on using AI, which may make your eBook monotonous and less engaging for reading or simply subpar work. 

4 Essential Considerations Before Choosing an Agency vs. Freelancer:

Agencies and freelancers both have their benefits and pitfalls. If you are still wondering who to hire, consider these essentials to help you make that decision. Let us take a look at what crucial aspects there are to help you decide which one is better: 

  1. Comparing Costs- Budget Considerations:

Let us talk about the service fee first. EBook writing services are expensive, and that is a fact. However, the services of an agency are more compared to outsourcing it to a freelance writer. If you head over to freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, you will notice that the service of a freelancer can range from £85 to the highest, going for £400. 

On the other hand, eBook writing companies have a cost system that focuses on project completion. If you wish to hire their services, you will have to pay them based on the complete project. So, if you were to hire an agency to work on your eBook the company may offer an estimate for a project and get payments based on instalments.. . 

However, for high prices, these professionals offer a lot apart from eBook writing. The expert writers ensure a high-quality eBook completed to perfection. From writing to editing, they handle every stage with extreme precision to ensure no flaw remains. 

On the other hand, freelancers may be cost-effective, but the quality of work may be subpar due to low resources compared to writing agencies. 

  1. Time Consideration-Meeting Deadlines:

In addition to budget, the promptness of service also matters. Any service you hire must ensure they meet the deadline that was agreed upon. In both options, eBook writing agencies and freelance eBook writers agree on one thing. Both provide a contract in which they and the client decide the delivery date. 

However, when it comes to freelancers, they are not limited to your project. They may be juggling multiple projects simultaneously; this could cause potential delays in deadlines. On the other hand, although they may work on multiple projects, they have a team of writers, editors and managers on deck. They ensure that even by the end of tight deadlines, completed projects get delivered to the client.

  1. Quality Assurance and Expertise:

Although budget is a factor, it should not be a bigger priority than the quality of the eBook itself. The better eBook quality, the better engagement it will have with readers, leading to more sales.

When it comes to freelance writers, their skills and experience may vary. They may have skills in specific niches but may be limited in others. This can lead you to take more time to find the right writer. 

On the other hand, eBook writing agencies have a pool of specialists. They have multiple writers from diverse fields who know multiple genres. This diversity of writers will ensure that their work is of better quality. These agencies also put forward quality control measures to ensure a polished final product. 

  1. Flexibility and Personalisation:

Although freelancers can offer a high level of customisation, however, they can be limited in their workload and availability. On the other hand, agencies have a structured process. They can offer a more personalised approach.

They have well-defined processes that allow more efficient communication and adaptability to the client’s needs. Through them, you can benefit from the resources a larger team offers while still receiving personalised attention.

Why Choose an eBook Writing Agency Over a Freelancer?

Now, let’s go over what we learned. We can obviously see that if you require professional eBook services, then it is better to outsource your eBook writing project to a writing agency rather than a freelancer. 

EBook writing agencies may prove expensive, but when it comes to quality and resources, they are worth it. Hiring a freelancer is more like a gamble. You may get quality services or not. In addition, freelancers often work solo; you also may miss out on working with a team that an agency offers. 

The Agency can help you meet tight deadlines while also ensuring quality work. Think of it as an investment to become a successful eBook seller. The more you invest, the better your chances of earning more passive income. 

So, if you choose between an eBook agency or a freelance book writer, the former may prove more useful than the latter.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an eBook Writer:

Now that we have a better idea of which service professional to consider, it is time to get in touch. But wait! Although you can connect with multiple eBook writing services on the internet, remember that not everyone who claims to be an expert is one. So, before you hire anyone, here are some questions you should ask to clear your doubts away:

  1. What is Your Experience?

This helps to get a better idea of the organisation’s expertise in eBook writing. Always go for an agency with a number of years under its name and knows about various genres.

  1. Can you Provide Samples of Your Previous Work?

An expert company would not hesitate to offer a sample of their work. These samples can better show how the writing agency works and whether they align with your expectations. 

  1. What is your Availability and Typical Turn Around Time?

By asking this question, you get to know the writer’s availability and how quickly they can complete the process. It’s a crucial question as it can help understand and plan the project timeline. 

  1. How do you Handle Revisions and Feedback?

It is crucial that you know about how the organisation handles revisions and feedback before hiring. By asking this question, you can better understand the revision process. 

  1. What is your Fee Structure?

As you plan your budget, you should know how the Agency requires payment. Being well aware of the payment process reduces hiccups in the overall payment process and ensures you and the Agency are satisfied by the end. 

Read More About: 10 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring an eBook Writer

Final Thoughts: Weighing the Pros and Cons:

In conclusion, writing an eBook seems like a lucrative opportunity to earn on the side. If you do not have time to write or are not confident enough, you can consider outsourcing eBook writing to someone else. Someone can be an eBook writing service or a freelance eBook writer. Both are great options, but a writing agency would prove superior if you want your money’s worth. 


  1. How Much Do Freelance Writers Charge?

The freelance writer charges can vary differently depending on several factors, including expertise, project complexity, and work needed. However, freelance services can cost around £85- £400 for the complete project. 

  1. How Much Do Freelance Writers Make Per Article UK?

Depending on their level of expertise and reputation, freelancers can make around £85- £400 per project.  

  1. How to Find Freelance Writers?

If you are looking for freelance eBook writers, then be sure to check out freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. 

  1. How to Find the Best EBook Writing Agency?

If you are looking for an eBook writing agency, you can always search the internet. However, not everyone you find is perfect. So, be sure to ask questions before hiring. 

  1. Is Writing an EBook Worth for Book Writing Agencies?

Although you can write a book on your own, by hiring a book writing agency, you can get a team to work on your eBook that can help you produce a quality book without the hassle of doing it yourself.