Book Marketing

How Much Does It Cost to Promote a Book on Amazon Kindle in the UK?

How much does it cost to promote a book on Amazon

Are you looking to promote your book on Amazon Kindle but unsure about the costs involved?

Promoting your book on Amazon Kindle is a great way to increase visibility and reach a larger audience. With millions of users browsing through books daily, investing in promotions can help boost sales and rankings.

By strategically promoting your book on Amazon Kindle, you can increase its visibility, attract more readers, and ultimately boost sales. With the right marketing strategies, you can effectively target your desired audience and maximize your book’s potential.In fact, many promotional strategies are free or low-cost, allowing you to reach a vast audience without sacrificing your budget. 

Ready to take your book promotion to the next level? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how much does it cost to promote a book on amazon and provide tips and strategies for maximizing your book’s visibility and sales without breaking the bank. 

Key Takeaways

  • Free Promotion: Promoting a book on Amazon Kindle can be done at little to no cost, making it an accessible option for authors.
  • Low-Cost Advertising: While there are paid advertising options available, the costs are relatively low, and authors can set their own budget.
  • Effective Strategies: With the right strategies, authors can increase their book’s visibility and sales without breaking the bank.

Is it Free to Promote a Book on Amazon?

The short answer is yes, it is free to promote a book on Amazon. Amazon offers a range of free promotional tools and features that authors can use to increase their book’s visibility and reach more readers. Some of these free tools include:

  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon’s self-publishing platform allows authors to publish their books directly to Amazon, and offers a range of free promotional tools and features.
  • Amazon Giveaways: Authors can run free giveaways to generate buzz and increase visibility for their book.
  • Amazon Reviews: Encouraging readers to leave reviews can help increase a book’s visibility and credibility.

How Much Does It Cost to Promote a Book on Amazon Kindle in the UK?

Low-Cost Advertising Options For Book Promotion Amazon Kindle

Amazon Advertising

Sponsored Products Ads

Sponsored Products Ads are ads that promote individual books, appearing in search results and on product detail pages. These ads help increase visibility by targeting readers who are actively searching for books similar to yours. They are highly effective for driving sales and improving your book’s ranking on Amazon.

Cost Structure (Pay-Per-Click): Sponsored Products Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when a potential reader clicks on your ad. You set a daily budget and bid on keywords that are relevant to your book. The cost per click (CPC) can vary widely depending on the competitiveness of the keywords.

Sponsored Brands Ads

Definition and Benefits: Sponsored Brands Ads showcase a collection of your books along with a custom headline and logo, appearing at the top of search results. These ads are designed to boost brand awareness and promote multiple titles simultaneously, making them ideal for authors with a series or multiple books in the same genre.

Cost Structure (Pay-Per-Click): Similar to Sponsored Products Ads, Sponsored Brands Ads use a PPC model. You set a daily budget and bid on keywords. The CPC for Sponsored Brands Ads is typically higher than for Sponsored Products Ads due to their premium placement and enhanced visibility.

Lock Screen Ads

Definition and Benefits: Amazon book promotion costs for lock screen ads are visually appealing ads that appear on the lockscreen of Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets. These ads are particularly effective for capturing the attention of avid readers who are already engaged with their devices. They can drive significant traffic and sales, especially for visually compelling book covers.

Cost Structure (Pay-Per-Click): Lockscreen Ads also follow a PPC model. You set a budget and bid for impressions, meaning you pay each time your ad is shown. The CPC can vary based on the target audience and competition.

How Much Do Amazon Book Ads Cost: Estimated Budget Ranges 

Ad Type Minimum Budget Average CPC Estimated Monthly Spend
Sponsored Products Ads £5-£10 per day £0.20-£0.50 £150-£300
Sponsored Brands Ads £10-£20 per day £0.50-£1.00 £300-£600
Lock Screen Ads £5-£15 per day £0.30-£0.70 £150-£450

Budget Allocation for Different Promotion Strategies

Promotion Strategy Daily Budget Total Estimated Spend
New Release Promotion £910 for 2 weeks
Sponsored Products Ads £20 per day
Sponsored Brands Ads £30 per day
Lock Screen Ads £15 per day
Ongoing Sales Boost £1050 per month
Sponsored Products Ads £10 per day
Sponsored Brands Ads £15 per day
Lock Screen Ads £10 per day
Seasonal Campaign £1500 for 30 days
Sponsored Products Ads £15 per day
Sponsored Brands Ads £20 per day
Lock Screen Ads £15 per day

By understanding how much does it cost to advertise your book on Amazon, authors can strategically plan their promotional budgets to maximize visibility and sales for their books on Amazon Kindle.

BookBub Ads

The popular eBook deal site BookBub offers its own advertising platform, allowing authors to reach a dedicated audience of eBook enthusiasts. With BookBub Ads, you can create targeted ads that appear on the BookBub website, email newsletters, and mobile apps. 

BookBub Ads operates on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, and you can set a daily budget to control your costs. One of the biggest advantages of BookBub Ads is that they offer a highly targeted audience of eBook readers, increasing the likelihood of conversions

Additionally, BookBub Ads often have lower CPC rates compared to AMS Ads or Facebook Ads, making them a cost-effective option for authors. Amazon has partnered with BookBub to offer various promotional options, including Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. These promotions can help increase visibility and drive sales, and they’re often free or low-cost, making them an attractive option for authors on a budget. 

When promoting your book on Amazon Kindle, you don’t have to break the bank. With these advertising options, you can reach a wider audience, drive sales, and increase visibility without overspending.

Email Marketing and Newsletters

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing remains a powerful tool for promoting your book on Amazon Kindle. With email marketing, you can reach your target audience directly and build a loyal following.

Building an Email List

On your website or blog, you can create a sign-up form where readers can opt-in to receive updates about your book. You can also offer incentives such as a free chapter or a discount code to encourage people to join your list. Make sure you comply with anti-spam laws and only send emails to people who have explicitly opted-in. As you build your list, you’ll want to segment your subscribers based on their interests and engagement levels. This will help you tailor your content and increase the chances of conversion. You can use email marketing software like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to manage your list and create targeted campaigns.

Free Promotional Strategies

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for authors to engage with readers, build a fanbase, and promote their books without spending money.

Platforms to Utilize:

  • Facebook: Create an author page, join book-related groups, and host virtual book launch events.
  • Twitter: Use relevant hashtags, participate in book discussions, and engage with the writing community.
  • Instagram: Share visually appealing book covers, behind-the-scenes content, and reader testimonials.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with other authors, join writing groups, and share articles or blog posts about your writing journey.
  • TikTok: Utilize BookTok, a vibrant community of book lovers, to create short, engaging videos about your book.


  • Consistent Posting: Maintain an active presence by posting regularly.
  • Engagement: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and engage with readers and other authors.
  • Content Variety: Mix up your content with posts about your book, writing process, personal anecdotes, and reader interactions.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Organize contests and giveaways to generate excitement and increase visibility.

Author Websites and Blogs

An author website serves as a central hub for all your promotional activities. It provides readers with a place to learn more about you and your books.

Key Elements:

  • About the Author: Share your biography, writing journey, and any interesting anecdotes.
  • Books Section: Include detailed information about your books, including synopses, reviews, and purchase links.
  • Blog: Regularly post articles related to your writing process, book updates, and other topics of interest to your readers.
  • Newsletter Signup: Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter for updates, exclusive content, and promotions.
  • Contact Information: Provide a way for readers and media to contact you.

Leveraging Book Reviews

Book reviews are crucial for building credibility and attracting new readers.


  • ARC Distribution: Offer Advance Review Copies (ARCs) to book bloggers, reviewers, and influencers in exchange for honest reviews.
  • Review Requests: Politely ask readers who enjoyed your book to leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other platforms.
  • Goodreads Giveaways: Host giveaways on Goodreads to increase your book’s visibility and attract reviews.
  • Book Review Sites: Submit your book to free review sites and book bloggers for potential reviews.

Related: Easy Steps to Writing a Simple Book Reviews

Utilizing Amazon’s Free Promotional Tools

Amazon offers several free promotional tools for authors enrolled in KDP Select.

KDP Select Benefits:

  • Kindle Countdown Deals: Temporarily discount your book, which is promoted on Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deals page.
  • Free Book Promotion: Offer your book for free for up to five days every 90 days. This can boost downloads, reviews, and visibility.
  • Increased Royalties: Earn higher royalties on sales to customers in certain countries.

Networking and Collaboration

Building relationships within the writing community can provide numerous promotional opportunities.


  • Author Collaborations: Partner with other authors for joint promotions, blog tours, and co-hosted events.
  • Writing Groups and Workshops: Join writing groups and attend workshops to connect with fellow authors and readers.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for other blogs and websites to reach new audiences.
  • Podcasts and Interviews: Participate in podcasts and interviews to share your story and promote your book.

Local Community Engagement

Engaging with your local community can help build a loyal readership.


  • Library Events: Host book readings, signings, and discussions at local libraries.
  • Bookstores: Partner with local bookstores for book signings and promotional events.
  • Community Groups: Connect with local book clubs, writing groups, and community organizations.
  • Local Media: Reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and radio stations for potential coverage and interviews.

Online Communities and Forums

Online communities and forums are great places to discuss your book and engage with potential readers.

Platforms to Consider:

  • Reddit: Participate in relevant subreddits like r/books, r/writing, and r/selfpublish.
  • Goodreads: Engage in Goodreads groups, join book discussions, and participate in author Q&A sessions.
  • Bookish Websites: Join discussions on bookish websites like LibraryThing, Book Riot, and BookBub.

Additional Tips for Promoting Your Book on Amazon

While promoting a book on Amazon can be done at little to no cost, there are some tips and strategies that authors can use to maximize their book’s visibility and sales:

  • Optimize Your Book’s Listing: Make sure your book’s title, description, and keywords are optimized for search.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your book’s title, description, and keywords to increase visibility.
  • Encourage Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews to increase your book’s credibility and visibility.
  • Run Free Promotions: Run free promotions to generate buzz and increase visibility for your book.
  • Use Amazon Giveaways: Use Amazon giveaways to generate buzz and increase visibility for your book.


In summarization, the cost to promote a book on Amazon Kindle is relatively low, and in some cases, even free. By utilizing Amazon’s free promotional tools, such as Kindle Countdown Deals, Free Book Promotions, and Amazon Giveaways, you can reach a wider audience and boost your book’s sales. Additionally, Amazon’s advertising options, like Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) and Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), offer affordable ways to target potential readers and increase your book’s visibility. So, stop worrying about the cost and start promoting your book on Amazon today!


Q: How much does it cost to market a book on Amazon?

A: The good news is that promoting a book on Amazon is free or at a very low cost. Amazon offers various free promotional tools, and you can also use external services at an affordable price.

Q: Are Amazon book ads expensive?

A: No, Amazon book ads can be quite affordable. You can set a daily budget as low as $1, and Amazon will automatically adjust your ad spend to ensure you don’t exceed your budget.

Q: Can I promote my book on Amazon without spending a dime?

A: Yes, you can promote your book on Amazon without spending any money. Amazon offers free promotional tools like Kindle Countdown Deals, Free Book Promotions, and Amazon Giveaways.

Q: How much does it cost to advertise my book on Amazon?

A: The cost of advertising your book on Amazon depends on your target audience, ad format, and bid strategy. On average, Amazon book ads can cost between $0.05 to $0.50 per click.

Q: Are there any free book promotion strategies on Amazon?

A: Yes, there are several free book promotion strategies on Amazon, including optimizing your book’s keywords and categories, using Amazon Author Central, and encouraging readers to leave reviews.