Author website Design

How to Create an Author Website-Explore the Process and Benefits

5 simple steps on how to create an author website

An author’s journey to success and fame is a demanding one. With millions of authors self-publishing new books every day, it can be quite difficult to make your mark on the world. However, that does not mean that it is impossible.

The best way to create awareness among your audience is through the author’s website. Think of it as your centric platform that helps you connect with your audience and get closer to them. Not only that but with one, you can also expect a rise in sales. Although a website has several more benefits to offer, the question remains: how to create an author website yourself? No need to worry, as we already have that answer.

Follow along to learn the best ways to create an author website. Additionally, we will also explore the benefits it has to offer. With our simple guide, you will have your author’s website, or at least know how to create one yourself. Let us make haste and get to learning.

What is an Author Website?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of building an author website, let’s first talk about your virtual home base, the author’s website. Although it’s the same as any website, it has a domain name and serves as a platform, but the thing that makes author websites different is that they serve as a virtual space for authors to share, connect, and engage with their audience.

It’s a hub where the author can create a community of followers and show themselves as experts in their respective genre. It’s a key component to have to track your career progress. The more you grow as a writer, the more you must show for it through your website.

How to Create an Author Website

An author’s website has much to offer the author’s career. But the question is, how to create an author website? Here is what you can do to create one:

How to create an author website

Step 1: Choose a Domain Name:

Think of the domain name as your home address, which visitors can often use to visit. Like an address helps locate your home, the domain name helps your audience find you online. Before you begin, you need to buy a domain name from a website builder.
Your domain name can be your author name (e.g.,, or you can use anything else. Just make sure it is easy to remember, spell, and type.

Step 2: Choose Website Builder and Hosting Service:

The next thing you want to do is choose a website builder and hosting service. The former, as the name suggests, helps create an author website, while the latter enables you to publish your website on the internet. Today, most website builders come with hosting services, which spares you the hassle of finding them both separately.

Some of these website builders include WordPress, Square Space, Wix, and Shopify. Website building is a technical process, so hiring a professional author website designer is often the best decision.

Step 3: Hire an Author Website Designer:

Designing a website can be overwhelming, especially if you are designing it from scratch. So, it is best to leave it in the hands of an expert. Although you may find them a bit expensive, trust us, they are worth the price.

An expert designer can craft a website design that reflects your brand identity. With their help, you can create a unique website that’s engaging, user-friendly, and free from technical issues.

Step 4: Add Content:

After having a proper structure for your author’s website, you cannot just expect high traffic on your site. Visitors usually expect three things from a website:

  • To be informed
  • To be entertained
  • To be engaged

And for that to happen, you need proper content on your author’s website. One way to learn what content you need is by visiting other renowned author websites and viewing what they offer. By getting an idea of their approach, you can devise your strategy and create content.

Read More About: 8 Must-Have Features of an Author Website Design

Why do you Need One?

Even after you finish the website, there is always room for improvement. Although your website was created, it may still need regular checks to ensure it works properly. Use different strategies to improve the user experience. Consider the assistance of the website designers to help with regular website updates and checks.

Here’s why it is a crucial part of your writing career:

1. Serves as a Virtual Home Base:

Picture this: Someone reads a book you wrote. They found your storytelling style really interesting, and you fit the genre they are interested in. Now they want to learn more about you as an author and whether you have written more books like the one they read. You can expect the next thing they will do, right? They’ll go on the web to give your name a search.

Imagine their disappointment when they find out you do not have a website of your own. But you could also expect how they feel to learn about a writer who makes books they are interested in. Think of the author’s website as your virtual base, where you can interact with visitors online or offline.

2. Turns you from a Nobody to a Somebody:

Although people in your vicinity may know you as an aspiring author, think of it as a big fish in a small pond. Without a website, the global community wouldn’t know about your writing career. An author website is your one-way ticket from being nobody to somebody.

Through it, you can gradually increase your fan following and make a name for yourself. It will serve as a powerful asset to help with audience connection and engagement.

3. Information Sharing Hub:

Apart from making connections and engagement, the author’s website also works as an information hub. Think about it: the author can use content to inform, engage, or entertain their audience. Your audience might be interested in your personal life, other books you have written, or your latest work. So, your author’s website can be a great place to share this information.

How to Find the Best Author Website Design Services?

As we stressed earlier, the author’s website requires the expertise of professional designers. Investing in the right person is crucial, as only an expert can craft engaging author website designs. Here’s how you can pick out the right author website designer for the job:

how to find best author website design services

1. Think About Your Needs:

Rather than looking for professionals on the web, you must first stop and think about your needs. You might have some expectations for how you plan to build your website. Before starting your search, clear your head and think about what you want.

Are you planning on an eCommerce site, or do you have something unique you want to include in your website? If you’re unsure what to include, visit other authors’ websites to learn how they made it. Having a clear goal for your website can help you understand what type of website design service you need and communicate it with your website designer during the hiring process.

2. Ask for Referrals:

Not everyone who claims to be an expert is an expert. Looking for the right author website design service may seem like wandering through a dense forest. And with so many author website design services, you’re often at risk of choosing the wrong one.

One way to improve your chances of finding the right service is through referrals. If you have authors in your family or friend group with their author websites, it’s a great opportunity to ask them about their author website designer. Through referrals, you can get recommendations from trusted services. But do remember that the author’s website designer may have worked for them, but it may not work for you. So, do a background check on the referrals to ensure you work with a professional.

3. Google it!

Although referrals are great, there is a strong chance you do not have one. If that is the case, you can always Google to search for potential website designers. As you search online, narrow your search to find relevant website designers in your area. There are several ways to do it.

You can find the right service by using the right keywords. You could see keywords like “website designers near me,” “best website builders for authors,” or “author website design services.” In addition, you could also add a location to narrow down your search to the respective area.

4. Visit Each Site:

By now, you would have a list of author website designers, but how do you choose the right service for you? The best way is to take a look at the website design of their own. Their websites should look appealing if they are professionals as they claim to be.

Apart from design, check whether their website has the elements and features you expect from your own. Take the time to navigate through their site and check how seamless it is. If the site is user-friendly, appealing, and has interactive elements, consider contacting them for further discussion.


Final Note:

In conclusion, learning how to create an author website can be the answer to boosting your name awareness among your preferred audience. An author’s website is a game changer that can improve engagement and connection with your audience. By following these steps, you can create an author website, and if not, WriteBookAssociates is here to help you out at every step of the process. Just be sure to involve an expert website builder in the process to ensure its optimization and engagement.

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